- Oct 03 Wed 2018 13:03
- Oct 03 Wed 2018 03:55
[問題] C語言初學自修書保舉?!
英翻越南文您好列位板友,小弟今朝想使用暑假時間自修C說話 之前看大學隔鄰班教材是用這本書, C語言程式設計實務(莊益瑞/吳權勢巨子) http://0rz.tw/S6ann Q1不知道這本書用來自修C說話好嗎? Q2別的可以保舉幾本適合初學者自學的冊本嗎?
- Oct 03 Wed 2018 03:55
[問題] C語言初學自修書保舉?!
英翻越南文您好列位板友,小弟今朝想使用暑假時間自修C說話 之前看大學隔鄰班教材是用這本書, C語言程式設計實務(莊益瑞/吳權勢巨子) http://0rz.tw/S6ann Q1不知道這本書用來自修C說話好嗎? Q2別的可以保舉幾本適合初學者自學的冊本嗎?
- Oct 03 Wed 2018 03:55
[問題] C語言初學自修書保舉?!
英翻越南文您好列位板友,小弟今朝想使用暑假時間自修C說話 之前看大學隔鄰班教材是用這本書, C語言程式設計實務(莊益瑞/吳權勢巨子) http://0rz.tw/S6ann Q1不知道這本書用來自修C說話好嗎? Q2別的可以保舉幾本適合初學者自學的冊本嗎?
- Oct 02 Tue 2018 19:10
Constructivism is a set of assumptions about the nature of human learning that guide constructivist learning theories and teaching methods. Constructivism values developmentally appropriate翻譯社 teaching-supported learning that is initiated and directed by the students. The theory behind a constructivist approach is that the child’s learning is done in a hands-on approach. The children learn by doing, and not by being told what will happen. They are left to make their own inferences, discoveries and conclusions. It also emphasizes that learning is not an “all or nothing” process but that student learn the new information that is presented to them by building upon knowledge that they already possess.
- Oct 02 Tue 2018 09:52
台灣高等教育展曼谷登場 泰學生憂說話問題
- Oct 01 Mon 2018 05:04
- Sep 30 Sun 2018 15:03
- Sep 29 Sat 2018 15:50
聊天常用貼圖?補教名師籲少用 貼圖使說話能力下降
- Sep 28 Fri 2018 23:02
【鄙諺解析】 窮算命富燒香@y t(逸竹)