P.S. The report mentioned that famous essay "背影", for part of its storyline had been related to Pukou station. Let's review the story and my translation at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7140108.
- May 26 Fri 2017 18:44
- May 26 Fri 2017 17:56
- May 26 Fri 2017 06:49
- May 26 Fri 2017 05:49
Two years ago, Fujitsu announced that it had come up with the world's first film substrate-based bendable color electronic paper featuring image memory function (snappy name翻譯社 fellas). Well, now they've made something to put it in: The FLEPia (that's a bit better, but I'm still not convinced). it comes in two sizes, A4 (480 grams) and A5 (320 grams) and both are just 12mm thick.
- May 26 Fri 2017 03:05
Clayton Christensen:高成就的人,資本分派出了問題
- May 25 Thu 2017 04:40
- May 25 Thu 2017 00:43
- May 24 Wed 2017 23:46
- May 23 Tue 2017 08:43
翻譯社本文出自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1467192001.A.37D.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社 期望學員能透過課 程掌控中英筆譯之重點觀念,跳脫逐字翻譯的弊端迷思。翻譯社【超強主打】中英筆譯入門(假日班) http://edu.tcfst.org.tw/query_coursedetail.asp?courseidori=05L334&tcfst ★課程時辰:2016/8/6起,每禮拜(六) ,09:00-16:00,共30小時 ★課程簡介: 本課程由具18年翻譯資歷,曾榮獲梁實秋翻譯評審獎、經由過程教育部中英翻譯能力「中翻英 筆譯」、「英翻中筆譯」、「逐步口譯」之專業講師授課翻譯課程內容以英文轉換中文為主 ,將介紹筆譯工作與技能,透過實際操練練習瞭解中英文的差別,進而提升英文鑑賞能力翻譯課 程重視實作,除以電腦上機練習訓練,亦有課後功課於後續課程中檢討。 ★課程師資: 連育德 Patrick Lien 英國巴斯大學口筆譯所碩士 教育部中英翻譯能力「中翻英筆譯」、「英翻中筆譯」、「逐步口譯」檢定全數經過過程 曾獲梁實秋翻譯獎評審獎 ★諮詢專線:03-5623116#3233 張蜜斯 [email protected]
- May 23 Tue 2017 06:32