- Jun 05 Mon 2017 15:10
- Jun 05 Mon 2017 07:14
- Jun 05 Mon 2017 03:05
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 18:06
翻譯社本文來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1476245449.A.D0C.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社
古波斯語翻譯語言翻譯公司source https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x 編譯好的 https://sites.google.com/site/bearoso/ higan的作者也有輔佐改 ↓ Snes9x 1.54 - Changed the S-SMP core module to one written by byuu. (byuu翻譯社 BearOso) This has the effect of increased accuracy翻譯社 fewer speed hacks翻譯社 but also regresses a few speed-hack games. - Improved IRQ emulation in several cases. (OV2) - Added rewind support. (Themaister, OV2) - Included libretro port. (OV2翻譯社 libretro team) - Added bps soft-patching support (OV2) - Fixed MMC bank register bit 7, restored 64mbit ExLoRom map (FuSoYa) - GTK+翻譯社 Windows: Added xBRZ filter (Zenju翻譯社 OV2, nmagre) - GTK+: Fixed several issues with GTK+3. (BearOso) - GTK+: Added extra aspect ratio options. (BearOso) - GTK+: Added option to mute sound when using turbo mode. (BearOso) - GTK+: Fixed expose handling to reduce overdraw and (BearOso) improve performance. - GTK+: Updated and universalized Spanish translation. (jristz) - Unix: Added Xv support and fixed several bugs. (greg-kennedy) - Win32: Added CG meta shader support (OV2, Themaister) - Win32: Added support to detect joypad changes (OV2) - Win32: Fixed unicode command line parameters, Fixed controller command line parameters (OV2) - Win32: Added quit hotkey (OV2) - Win32: Fixed custom rom dialog (OV2) - Win32: Fixed various cheat dialog issues (gocha, OV2) - Win32: Added hotkey for fast forward toggling (gocha) - Win32: Added drag and drop support for movies (gocha) - Win32: Fixed blargg filter for regular width hires (OV2) - Win32: Fixed snapshot loading from unicode paths (OV2) - Win32: Changed open-with file-association method翻譯社 should no longer change explorer icons for otherwise unassociated extensions; removed legacy extensions (OV2)
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 15:35
- Jun 03 Sat 2017 14:07
[諜報] Parker: 不管産生甚麼事我都邑回來
翻譯社https://www.reddit.com/r/NBASpurs/comments/6dxmag/big_news_tp_whatever_happens _i_will_be_back/ 資料: reddit spurs TP : Whatever happens i will be back !!!!! Nota : This is a personal translation. Tony Parker chose the French newspaper Equipe to talk about his future with the Spurs. Regarding his unavailability翻譯社 it will take 6 to 8 months in principle. As per the doctors he will be free on the 20 th October but will required 1 or 2 months to get back at his level. He is not in a hurry to come back翻譯社 if he has to wait December he will wait December, the most important things are the play offs.In his mind whatever happens he will be back and will play his best basket. Tony parker在法國報紙Equipe談論了他在馬刺的將來,原則上他需要六到八個月的時間 才能恢復,憑據他的大夫說他估計在10月20號擺佈就能夠自主動作,但在那以後還是需要 一或兩個月的時候才能回復之前的水準,他其實不急著要即速回來,假如他想要比及十二月 他就會比及十二月,對他來講最主要的是季後賽,在他的腦海裡不管産生甚麼事他都邑盡 快回來而且顯現他最好的身手翻譯 Tony said : I have the impression that I will back even stronger than before ! I know , it feels strange to say that but in my whole career, I never took 6 months to do bodybuilding only. I’m going to work out like a mad man and come back stronger than ever. Some people are saying that I will never come back, I'm not listening to them, I know how I want to end my career.I have a new status in the team, I’m more in the team management and leadership and I like it. I know that one time I will come back from the bench like Tim or Manu. But I will always have an important role to play. Tony 說: 天成翻譯社認為我回來後會比之前來得更強壯! 天成翻譯社知道說這些在我的職業生活生計裡感覺很希奇,我從 來沒有花六個月的時候來做健身,我會像一個瘋子一樣鍛鍊身體,然後變得比之前更強健 ,有些人說我永久沒設施回來,天成翻譯社不去服從理睬他們口中所說的,我知道我該若何在生活生計 後段去想些甚麼事。 在團隊中我有一個新的定位,天成翻譯社喜好在團隊中成為向導者,我知道回來後會有像是 Tim或Manu從板凳動身的一次,然則天成翻譯社老是能飾演好主要的腳色。 若有翻譯毛病或語意不順的處所,請協助更正 感謝~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 具體可參考禁區文章及底下原文 https://www.facebook.com/SApaintzone Parker稍早面臨法國媒體有段簡單的採訪,一路來看看他說了什麼! Q. 四頭肌受傷快要四個禮拜,翻譯公司如今感受還好嗎? A. 好啊!很好!事發其時明顯使人難熬痛苦,受傷以後第一個浮上心頭的情感是懊喪。 我其時狀況十分好,我們有機遇走到最後並博得冠軍翻譯在你有限的生活生計這類機遇不會 常常泛起。 以後天成翻譯社很快把這些想法放到一邊,轉念一想。想一想我的競技狀態,想一想我已在NBA交戰 了16年,我認為天成翻譯社做得很棒!我目下當今天天最大的動力就是告知本身,天成翻譯社要在NBA打20年翻譯 Q. 如許的失望有因為你發現本身照舊能在季後賽有所作為而放大嗎? A. 固然,這個賽季的每件事一向都依照計畫進行,我們和Pop商酌過,例行賽我每場比 賽最多只上場25分鐘。而整季下來Pop的調劑就像牆上的時鐘一樣精準翻譯我在面臨灰熊的 競賽打出相當亮眼的顯露,第二輪也延續得不錯,卻在最後時刻不能不用這類體式格局脫離球 場。真的讓人懊喪。 Q. 若何對待那些在翻譯公司受傷以後,認為你行將退役的說法? A. 天成翻譯社有一種直覺,那就是我會以更壯大的姿態回歸!我知道如許說很新鮮,然則在我整 個籃球生活生計從未花六個月來塑造身形翻譯天成翻譯社會像瘋子一樣繼續鍛鍊本身,然後用更好的狀況 回歸。天成翻譯社才不管他人怎麼說,我知道我等候本身的職業生活生計該若何竣事。 現在我在馬刺有了新的定位,更多是治理和向導團隊的腳色,而我喜好如許的責任。天成翻譯社知 道有天我會像Tim或Manu一樣從板凳出發,然則我會一直施展主要的感化翻譯 Q. 估計多久時候會回到球場? A. 大約6-8個月,理論上10/20我就可以解禁了,然則憑據大夫的說法,還需要花幾個月才 能回參預上、找回以往的競技狀況。天成翻譯社不會意急。假如需要比及12月,我會為12月的第一 場競賽做好準備翻譯不克不及從第一戰就出賽不是什麼世界末日,季後賽才是最主要的。在我的 預設裡,不管到時産生什麼事,來歲一月初我會用最好的狀況回到球場和人人晤面。 Source: https://www.lequipe.fr/Basket/Article/Tony-parker-je-jouerai-mon-meilleur- basket-debut-janvier/805334
- Jun 03 Sat 2017 09:22
[高中] 106彰化高中英文地理選擇題
- Jun 02 Fri 2017 14:00
- Jun 02 Fri 2017 03:48