1 周全退出這個程式嗎? Do you want to quit ZET?
2 更改焦點資料 Change Core Data
3 更改背景資料 Change Background Data
4 One of the synastry charts should be male翻譯社 the other female
5 Change the name of the time zone of the computer from % to %?
6 換置解釋 Reading for Relocation
7 換置地址 Place of Relocation:
8 太陽中間 No access to Heliocentric
9 換置星盤 Relocation
10 完成 Done
11 卜策星盤 Horary
12 太陽中間 Heliocentric
13 地域中間 Topocentric
14 地球中間 Geocentric
15 守護 Ruler 廟
16 落陷 Detriment 陷
17 強勢 擢升 Exaltation 旺
18 弱勢 趨降 Fall 弱
19 液態星座 Cardinal Quadruplicity
20 固態星座 Fixed Quadruplicity
21 汽態星座Mutable Quadruplicity
22 火象星座 Fire Element
23 土象星座 Earth Element
24 風象星座 Air Element
25 水象星座 Water Element
26 WARNING: dT differs from computer's Time Zone
27 The Swiss Ephemeris path problem has been fixed. Please restart your computer
29 Cannot delete the default aspect "%"
30 Delete the % aspect?
31 No planets in % House
32 Rename Folder
33 Rename Page
34 Current page (%) will be deleted. OK?
35 Activation impossible. Assign a simbol to the Part and try again
36 焦點資料 Core data
37 後臺資料 Background data
38 姓名 Name
39 誕生日期 Date
40 誕生時候 Time
41 出身所在 Location
42 緯度 Latitude
43 經度 Longitude
44 Delete the item "%" ?
45 Delete the items (%) ?
46 Pars (Arabic Parts) -_
47 no active Parts
48 active Parts in the % table
49 資料庫 Database
50 Save records (%) to the % database?
51 Precession has reached % - click to recalculate stars
52 Error錯誤: %
53 效果 Value,名稱 Name,計算公式 Formula,編碼 Code
54 Longitude,Latitude,R.A.,Declination翻譯社Azimuth,Altitude,Velocity
55 Asc/Age
56 占星裏手是免費版本 ZET 8 Lite is the freeware version of the ZET program
57 Created the建立 % 檔案file
58 Secondary Progression for Year %
59 Graphic of Secondary Progression
60 Movement of Planets in %
61 Movement of Planets in Year %
62 Movement of Planets in Years %
63 Direction for Year %
64 Direction
65 File % not found. Create?
66 Records added: %
67 Do you really want to delete the "%" folder?
68 Utilize "%" for text
69 Replace file %?
70 Deleted texts: %
71 選擇太多項目了喔! Too many files
72 Jump is impossible as the distance is unknown.
73 The Sun is not visible. It's impossible to fix its position!
74 The calendar has not been created yet!
75 軌道近日點 Perihelion of orbit
76 軌道北交點 North Node of orbit
77 赤道北極點 North Pole of equator
78 File % already exists
79 請稍候少頃 Please wait...
80 Local Horizon (ENWS)
81 軌道遠日點 Aphelion of orbit
82 軌道南交點 South Node of orbit
83 The Interpretation in % format will be saved to the Reports subfolder as:
84 檔案名稱 File Name
85 Chart Type, Date (GMT) / Angle翻譯社 N
86 Time Zone時區: %
88 逆行行星 retrograde planet
89 上昇四正宮 Angular House
90 幸福四正宮 Succedent House
91 才性四正宮 Cadent House
92 上半球 Upper Hemisphere
93 下半球 Lower Hemisphere
94 東半球 Eastern Hemisphere
95 西半球 Western Hemisphere
96 遠地點 Apogee
97 近所在 Perigee
98 Second Focus
107 Object "%" not found
108 That star is not here. Only named stars are shown in this view.
109 Create a single or transit chart
110 ZET Astrocalendar
111 Text to find:
112 New texts not found
113 Found new texts: %
114 Replace existing record for "%" in the "%" database?
115 Sunset at %
116 Today is the # Moon Day
117 Moonrise at %
118 Sunrise at %
121 Next New Moon on %
124 Moon Full on %
125 * # degree of_
126 Computer description of Horoscope
127 Name名稱: %
128 Date日期:%
129 Time時間:%
130 Location所在: %
131 選擇太多星體囉! Too many objects
132 翻譯公司想要刪除 "%" 嗎?
133 A search object has not been supplied
134 Graphic files %
135 Ecliptical Coordinates of Asteroids
136 Planetary Hours
137 Duration of day hour: % min
138 Duration of night hour: % min
139 Planetary ruler of the hour: %
140 Hour, Begin, Planet
141 圖騰 Totem of Sun Day
142 圖騰 Totem of Sun Month
143 圖騰 Totem of Sun Year
144 夏曆 Moon Day
145 Prognostication by Directions
146 Computer description of the Present Situation
147 而今 Now:
148 Time dynamics indicator
150 Prognostication by Progressions
151 月相 Moon Phase: %
152 即不時鐘 Real-time Clock
153 Interpretation of % Return
154 The size of the Chart Wheel and/or Fonts may require adjustment. See Chart Settings, Size tab and General Settings, Fonts tab.
155 貯存變換嗎? Save changes?
156 Dynamic recalculation of stars
157 File "%" is absent
158 你肯定你要如許做嗎? Are you sure you want to do that?
159 Tip: Reflect and meditate on your question. Hold the question in your mind. Then click the Oracle button.
160 Tip: Move the mouse over the window and when you feel the moment is right, click the mouse翻譯社 throw the coins翻譯社 whilst bearing in mind the question. Do that six times.
161 生疏人,什麼帶領翻譯公司來到這裡?What brings you here, stranger?
162 陌生人,丟擲貨幣吧! Throw the coins, stranger!
163 你的問題有謎底了 There is an answer to your question
164 % is not a fixed-width font. You could try Courier New
165 WARNING: main font is too large
166 WARNING: fixed-width font is too large
167 Create New Bookshelf
168 Current Bookshelf "%" will be deleted. OK?
169 Rename Bookshelf
170 Last New Moon was 上一個新月是 %
171 Satan day!
172 Bad day壞日子
173 Good day好日子
174 New Moon新月 %
175 Full Moon滿月 %
176 Solar Eclipse日蝕 %
177 Lunar Eclipse月食 %
178 Total %
179 Partial %
181 The dynamic recalculation of stars' precession significantly reduces the speed of operation of the program, especially when the real-time clock is operating.
182 No text available for the interpretation
183 No text available for the interpretation of this star
184 No text available for the interpretation of this nebula
185 Error: Improper symbol for Arabic Part
186 Polar latitude; calculation is impossible
187 Calculation impossible
188 The orb table has been auto-selected for this type of chart. You can revoke the setting in Chart Settings, Aspects tab.
209 Saved fixed chart %
210 Cannot save. Select the database first
211 Do you really want to remove your registration code from the Windows registry?
212 Charts found: %
213 No charts found
214 Total factor
215 Click the 'Back' button, and check the spelling of the city name.
216 - town not found.
217 - city not found.|Similar names are:%
218 - several identical cities:
219 - incorrect characters in city name
220 If the required city is in the list, select it with the mouse, then click 'Next'
221 Search for city in the Atlas (click on the 'Atlas' button)
222 If the desired city is unavailable, select the nearest larger one
223 Or click 'Back' and specify the nearest city in the same administrative area
224 Enter birth data (incl. name and gender), then click 'Next'
225 Select your current location翻譯社 then click 'Next'
226 Enter birth data for 1st person (incl. name and gender), then click 'Next'
227 Enter birth data for 2nd person (incl. name and gender), then click 'Next'
228 出生城市 City (place) of birth
229 城市 City (populous place)
230 Oblast' (kray)
231 州/省 State/Province
232 Replace換置 "%"?
233 Selected databases for searching: %
234 Not saved, as the % database cannot be written to. Revoke the 'Read-only' setting first.
235 No new Swiss Ephemeris files found
236 Found % new Swiss Ephemeris files. The Catalog of Asteroids has been updated.
237 This function is not available in ZET 8 Lite
238 地平線 Horizon
239 主垂圈 Prime Vertical
240 赤道 Equator
241 黃道 Ecliptic
242 Ayanamsa
243 節律 Harmonic
244 時段 Period
245 s.d.
246 m.d.
247 曜時: Hour
248 曜日: Day
249 曜年: Year
250 天頂 Zenith
251 天底 Nadir
252 翻譯社星盤 Wheel翻譯社相位 Aspects,表格 Grid,軌道 Orbits,色彩 Color,外圈星盤 Wheel(B),外圈相位 Aspects(B)翻譯社外圈表格 Grid(B),外圈色彩 Color(B)
253 Code,天體名稱 Name翻譯社經度 Longitude,緯度 Latitude翻譯社RightAscension,Declination,Azimuth,Altitude,RA(2000.0),Decl(2000.0)翻譯社Distance(000's ly),Size('),Magnitude翻譯社Constellation翻譯社Comment
254 小行星 Asteroids
255 Selected,,Symbol,Calculation method,編號 Number,星名 Name翻譯社Russian Name,經度 Longitude,緯度 Latitude翻譯社Magnitude,Albedo翻譯社Mean Anomaly,Argumentof Perihelion,Node,Inclination,Eccentricity翻譯社Semimajoraxis,Epoch (JD),Diameter(km)翻譯社Period(years)
256 沒有禮貌 Cannot do that
257 % file "main.ini" or "virtuals.lst" destroyed. Oops!
258 計較Calc. 標示Mark,翻譯社符號 Glyph,編碼 Code翻譯社虛星名稱 Name,經度 Long.,緯度 Lat.,近點角 Mean anomaly翻譯社Arg. perihelion,Long. node,Inclination,Eccentricity翻譯社Semimajor axis,Epoch (JD),樣式 Type
259 翻譯社經度Longitude翻譯社緯度Latitude翻譯社R.Ascension翻譯社Declination,Hour angle,Altitude,Azimuth,From Earth翻譯社Angular Speed翻譯社Max. Speed,Speed(%),Angular Diam.翻譯社Inclination i翻譯社Eccentricity eks,Semimajor axis A翻譯社Long. node O,Long. Perihelion P翻譯社True orbit longitude l,Heliocentric latitude b翻譯社Radius-vector Sun-Planet r,X,Y,Z翻譯社Np Long.,Np Lat.
260 This function is not available in ZET 8 Demo
261 Geo-palette file %
262 _/ day
263 _/ minute
264 藏書樓 Library
265 阿拉伯星指標 Arabic Parts
266 儲存款式 Save Configuration
267 貯存款式檔案 Saving Configuration files
268 開啟款式 Open Configuration
269 相位列表 Aspects List
270 Registered user:
271 Registration...
272 Remove Registration...
273 Return翻譯社_
274 Chart not ready
275 推動計較日期 Calculated Progression date
276 symbol is
277 begins on_
278 ends on_
279 _in # House
280 _in_
281 _(orb %),_
282 Conjunction:_
283 Personal Astrology Reading
284 First Rising_
285 Last Rising_
286 # Moon Day
287 Equinox
288 Beginning of # Sun Year
289 Beginning of # Sun Day
290 # Sun Month
291 # day of # Sun Month
292 Interpretation of Lunar Return
293 Date of Lunar Return:
294 Interpretation of Solar Return
295 Date of Solar Return:
296 (I am %)
297 Interpretation of Synastry
298 晝 day
299 夜 night
300 _(not %!)
301 _- now
302 Now is the # % hour of_
303 所有檔案 All files
304 Text
305 中點上的行星 Planets on Midpoints
306 占星猜測 Astrological Forecast
307 本地時區 Current Time Zone:_
308 流年行星之相位 Aspects of Transiting Planets
309 行星相位表 Table of Planetary Aspects
310 Calendar-Forecast for % for: %Create?
311 Leap
312 格里哥里 Gregorian
313 儒略 Julian
314 性別 Gender
315 簡述 Comment
316 The Name is absent
317 Sort by %
318 Davison Chart:_
319 Aspect line
320 on horizon
321 longitude line
322 meridian line
323 local space line
324 projection
325 Planet
326 Files .txt
327 % does not work for high latitudes
328 Moon in %
329 [Text not available]
330 恆星設定 Star Catalog
331 恆星名稱 Name,,翻譯社BS翻譯社HD,Flamsteed -Bayer code,描寫 Comment,光譜 Spectrum,Distancein parsecs,Magni-tude翻譯社經度Longitude翻譯社緯度Latitude翻譯社RightAscension,Declination,Azimuth,Altitude翻譯社mRA"/year翻譯社mDecl"/year, Radialspeed
332 Satellite,,Distancefrom center,公轉週期 Revolutionperiod翻譯社直徑 Diameter翻譯社Eccen-tricity,Inclinationof orbit,Node,Pericenter,Orbitallongitude翻譯社Inclinationof equator翻譯社Rotationperiod,Weight,(Earth=1),(1:Mplanet)
333 's Satellites
334 Enable/Disable Aspect
335 Set as Major/Minor
336 設定顏色 Set Color
337 編纂允許度 Edit Orb...
338 編纂恆星允許度 Edit Orb (Star Aspects)...
339 編纂相位要素 Edit Aspect Factor
340 要素 Factor
341 Aster.,Virt.,Parses翻譯社Asc/Dsc,MC/IC,other翻譯社m0,m1,m2,m3翻譯社m4,Factor
342 % in midpoint_
343 莎比恩象徵 Sabian Symbol
344 Position/Speed
345 Find
346 Choose
347 Rising calculation ...
348 Setting calculation ...
349 Sunrises in Year %
350 _____Date Rise Set Dhour Nhour
351 新月計較 New Moon calculation...
352 滿月計算 Full Moon calculation...
353 Moon Days calculation...
354 Moon Days Log for Year %
355 _____Date Rise Set MD
356 Data file "Moon%.wrk" has been created
357 年內月亮遠地址和近地點 Moon Apogees and Perigees in Year %
358 ____________________________Apogee(km)_______________________________Perigee(km)
359 Ingresses of planet % in Year %
360 System系統: %
361 Declinition Ingresses of planet % in Year %
362 Moon Days Log
363 Moon Apogees/Perigees Log
364 Ingresses Log
365 Sunrises/Sunsets Log
366 Version
367 選擇恆星 Select Star
368 編輯符號 Edit Glyph...
369 Busy sorting...
370 __________Begin of Aspect End of Aspect Exact Aspect
371 Transit Asp Natal_________
372 Progress. Asp Natal_________
373 Direct Asp Natal_________
374 Progress. Asp Progress._____
375 Orb Begin of Aspect End of Aspect Exact Aspect
376 Natal: %
377 Begin: %
378 _Aspect Exact
379 Busy calculating...
380 找不到 Not found
381 Transiting
382 Progressed
383 Directed
384 Actual
385 Aspect Charts
386 Location - [Core data]
387 Wrong value "%"
388 Aspect already exists
389 SkyShip
390 Planet's Periods -_
391 Diurnal geniture
392 Nocturnal geniture
393 Period
394 Subperiod
395 Start of Subperiod Date
396 Age (years, days)
397 Period Subperiod Start of Age
398 ____________________Subperiod Date (years, days)
399 Solar Planet Periods
400 Start of Period Date
401 Period Start of Period Date
402 宮位度數 Degree of House
404 Change the "%" Selection Set...
405 Edit Name and Comments...
406 Unknown Daylight Saving Time data
407 The Time Zone is calculated approximately from the longitude of the location
408 (find first "%")
409 % House
410 Ascendant
411 Imum Coeli
412 Descendant
413 Meridian
414 No access
415 minute
416 minutes
417 minutes
418 hour
419 hours
420 hours
421 day
422 days
423 days
424 month
425 months
426 months
427 deg.
428 天文單元 au
429 公里 km
430 No
431 個人星盤 Natal
432 雙人合盤 Synastry
433 流年星盤 Transit
434 星盤種別 Chart Type
435 內圈 Inner
436 外圈 Outer
437 Line
438 ps
439 from Star
440 Radiation
441 日 Sun
442 星體中心 astrocentric
443 編碼 Code
444 名稱 Name
445 天文名稱 Astronomical Name
446 希臘字母表 Greek Alphabet
447 View: %
448 Pleiades
449 對稱相位Antiscion
450 映拍照位Contrantiscion
451 同緯 Parallel
452 反緯 Contraparallel
453 字型檔案 Font Files
454 < Back
455 Close
456 degree
457 流年相位 Transit Aspects
458 推動相位 Progressed Aspects
459 等度相位 Directed Aspects
460 世局相位 Mundane Aspects
461 推運之相位 Aspects of Progression
462 Files HTML
463 名稱Name,Comment翻譯社圖形Configuration,宮位Houses
464 Events for % are not specified
465 Execute rectification on % events for %?
466 本地地平線 Horizon of current place
467 本地子午線 Meridian of current place
468 星座互容 Reception by sign
469 星座互旺 Reception by exaltation
470 Auto-select orb table mode
471 Manual select orb table mode
472 To access, set the "Background Color" and "Colored planets" options
473 To drag, hold down Shift key before clicking
474 Activate "%"
475 尋覓小行星 Find Asteroid "%"
476 Delete刪除 "%"...
477 Delete % selected...
478 Download file % to folder %
479 Do you wish to delete % selected?
480 找到了 Found
481 % records
482 Search criteria
483 Open configuration
484 下一個 Next >
485 完成 Finish
486 No Name entered
487 - Wrong date
488 - choose a year in the range 1900...2010
489 No City Name
490 - Date error
491 - Time error
492 - Unknown region code
493 - Region code should be 2 or 4 latin letters
494 Only one section for declaring constants and macros is allowed
495 Header error: # line must begin with "// "
496 First line header error:
497 There is no code "%" in the LibrType list
498 Possible header error: header too long?
499 Header error %
500 毛病Error
501 毛病使用Incorrect use of brackets
502 No errors found
504 . Planet number must be in the range 1...13
505 . Unknown planet code
506 the Operational bookshelf has not been selected
507 Set month and year翻譯社 click 'Next' button
508 Enter birth data, click 'Execute' button
509 計算之歷史 History of Calculations
510 Click "Check" button to check ZET update|(Internet connection required)
511 Not found new update
512 There is new update|Click "Download" button to download update files
513 貫穿連接 Connection...
514 連結失敗 Connection Failed
515 Downloading in progress...
516 Updating in progress...
517 The update will completed after exit the program
518 貫穿連接取消 Connection Canceled
519 % Kbytes out of % transferred
520 Check, Download, Stop
521 Update completed
522 You should install "The Auto-update Wizard" utility first
540 year
541 years
542 years
543 Solar
544 Magnitude
545 Lunar
546 Partial
547 Annular
548 Total
549 Annular-Total
550 Penumbral
551 Eclipse
552 Partial Eclipse Begins:
553 Partial Eclipse Ends:
554 Annular Eclipse Begins:
555 Annular Eclipse Ends:
556 Total Eclipse Begins:
557 Total Eclipse Ends:
558 Penumbral Eclipse Begins:
559 Penumbral Eclipse Ends:
560 Greatest Eclipse:
561 Local Circumstances of Greatest Eclipse:
562 Central
563 Noncentral
566 Error detected. Restart ZET and restore configuration
567 Wrong password
568 Password has been set
569 Password has been cancelled
570 There are encrypted Database and/or History log files. After removal of the registration key they will be inaccessible. Proceed?
571 Parans within %?of
572 Paran
573 Rise
574 Set
575 恆星日 sidereal day
576 回歸年 tropical year
577 Upper meridian transit
578 Lower meridian transit
579 % below the horizon
580 Unspecified City
581 Unspecified Star
582 選擇星盤上的行星 Choose a planet on a chart
584 For the displayed % Chart
585 Cannot show asteroids (not calculated)
586 Incorrect path: the file ZET.EXE is not there
587 Unable to rewrite the default font
588 Open 打開 ZET 7 字型檔 Font File
589 Import the % font?
590 Chart only
591 Text of the interpretation only
592 Interactive annotated graphic
593 Text of the prognostication only
594 Open a Parts table
595 阿拉伯點表檔案 Arabic Parts Tables files
596 , Earth, Sun, Moon, Meridian, Ascendant翻譯社 Node
597 Reception by triplicity 同象守護星
598 Reception by term區段
599 Reception by face區間
600 Knock on the door of the Oracle's cave
601 You cannot ask a question now
602 First Quarter %
603 Last Quarter %
604 ERROR: The main sign's ruler was not specified
605 檔案名稱不決義 File name not specified
606 Save changes to貯存調動到 '%' 檔案file?
607 Cannot import the star symbol %
608 Cannot import the asteroid symbol %
609 The object '%' is not in the database
610 Error marking %
611 Cannot open file %
612 Cannot save file %
613 Cannot create '%' folder
614 Incorrect Atlas name: %
615 沒有計較出的行星 There are no calculated asteroids
616 Planets行星:
617 Asteroids小行星:
618 Asteroids coordinates has not been loaded
619 There are no aspects
620 Folder is not empty
621 Unknown chart type: %
622 月宮# House of Moon
623 Card.
624 Fix.
625 Mut.
626 沒有文件 No books are selected for the interpretation of the chart of "%" on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
627 沒有資料 No books are selected for the "%" theme on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
628 沒有資料 No books are selected for the interpretation of Planets on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
629 沒有資料 No books are selected for the interpretation of Houses on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
630 沒有資料 No books are selected for the description of Zodiac Signs on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
631 沒有資料 No books are selected for the interpretation of planets' aspects on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
632 沒有資料 No books are selected for this object on the "%" bookshelf in the library of interpretation texts.
633 Group翻譯社 Button, , Key
634 Image has been copied to buffer
635 Moon Void of Course from % to %
636 Moon Mundane Aspects Files
637 Planet Dignities
In Cardinal Sign
In Fixed Sign
In Mutable Sign
Dispositor of Sun or Asc
In Angular House
In Succedent House
In Cadent House
Symbolic Ruler
Natural Ruler
Sum of Aspects Power
Number of aspects 0, 60 and 120 with Jupiter, Venus, ASC and MC
Number of aspects 0, 90 and 180 with Saturn and Mars
In Royal Degree
In Destructive Degree
Conjunction with Spica
Conjunction with Antares
On Via Combusta
689 內圈行星一般顏色 Common color on inner planets
690 外圈行星一般色彩 Common color of outer planets
691 顯示內圈行星 Show planet of inner ring
內圈行星相位 Aspect planet of inner ring
顯示於相位表中 Show in aspect table
顯示軌道元素 Show orbital elements
內圈行星色彩 Color of inner planet
顯示外圈行星 Show planet of outer ring
外圈行星相位 Aspect planet of outer ring
顯示於相位表中 Show in aspect table
外圈行星色彩 Color of outer planet (only for ACG)
700 背景 Tableau backdrop
... 星盤中心 Central disk of wheel
... 第一和第二圈行星 First and second planet rings
... 行星圈界限 Planet rings border
... 內圈界限 Inner ring intermediate cusps
... 外圈界限 Outer ring intermediate cusps
... 火象星座 Zodiac Fire signs
... 土象星座 Zodiac Earth signs
... 風象星座 Zodiac Air signs
... 水象星座 Zodiac Water signs
... 星座邊緣 Zodiac border
... 中性指導槓 Affetic indicator bar: Middle Factor
... 良性指導槓 Affetic indicator bar: Kindness
... 劣性指示槓 Affetic indicator bar: Spiteness
... 內圈行星 Inner ring planets
... 外圈行星 Outer ring planets
... 首要文件 Main text and Planets List - aspected rings
... 附增文件 Additional text (systems)
... 行星列表 Planets List - not aspected rings
... 內圈上昇 Asc - inner ring
... 外圈上昇 Asc - outer rings
... 內圈下落 Dsc - inner ring
... 外圈下落 Dsc - outer rings
... 內圈天頂 MC - inner ring
... 外圈天頂 MC - outer rings
... 內圈天底 IC - inner ring
... 外圈天底 IC - outer rings
... 星座符號 Zodiac glyphs
... 行星交點 Nodes of planet
... 行星近日點 Perihelion of planet
... 行星北極 North pole of planet
... 太陽月表態關 Axis of Sun-Moon events
... 太陽相幹 Glyphs of Sun events (new moon, solar eclipse)
... 月亮相關 Glyphs of Moon events (full moon翻譯社 lunar eclipse)
... 雷克斯度數符號 Rex degree glyph
... 破損性度數符號 Destructive degree glyph
... 內圈真上昇 True Asc - inner ring
... 外圈真上昇 True Asc - outer rings
... 內圈真天頂 True MC - inner ring
... 外圈真天頂 True MC - outer rings
... 相位圖形標示 Illumination of aspect configurations
... 星宿,區段 Moon Mansions / Terms / Decans ring
... 綜合盤外圈 Outer rings of complex charts
... 對稱相位Antiscion
... 映拍照位Contrantiscion
... 同緯 Parallel
... 反緯 Contraparallel
... 第二帶符號 Glyphs of second belt
... 行星記號 Planet Marker (1)
... 行星記號 Planet Marker (2)
占星行家軟體 ZET 8 新版本
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